Friday, November 2, 2007

Blogging, MLA style

Welcome to the blog for MLA 2008. Hopefully we'll see some activity here during the coming months - before, during, and after the Newport meeting. I expect that the MLA-L list will remain the primary communication method for notifying the membership of more-or-less important changes regarding the program, accommodations, etc. The purpose for this blog, then, is an open question! I can imagine, though, some reports on meeting sessions, reviews of local restaurants, or any general discussion concerning the conference and/or the Newport area.

In looking at other conference blogs, I came across the Special Library Assn's. They seem to be making good use of the blog medium within the conference context. On a different blog, there is even an entry that covers how to blog conferences ! ... (So, there's a proper technique to this apparently, but, speaking for myself, I think "proper techniques" are overrated).

Please let me know if you'd like to be an author, and I will be happy to add you! (You don't want me to be the only author, here, I can assure you. Besides, my posts may have more to do with convening the knitters at MLA, than with whatever professional enlightenment is happening at the meetings!)